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Bienvenue sur la collection HAL de la Maison de la Simulation, laboratoire commun au CEA, au CNRS, à l'Université Paris-Saclay et à l'Université Versailles Saint-Quentin. Elle est spécialisée dans le calcul haute performance et les simulations numériques en lien étroit avec les applications physiques, le génie logiciel parallèle, les modèles de programmation, les techniques de visualisation, l'intelligence artificielle et l'informatique quantique.

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Geometric multigrid Supercapacitors Godunov-type scheme Magnetohydrodynamics Stars formation Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics Calcul haute performance Big data Brown dwarfs Astrometry Methods statistical Schrödinger equation Sharp interface Linear systems Planets and satellites fundamental parameters Compressible two-phase flow Astrochemistry Accretion disks Planets and satellites interiors HPC Two-phase flows Low-Mach correction Ghost Fluid method Cybersecurity Dynamic processes High performance computing ISM individual objects Orion B Surface tension Low Froude Domain decomposition Energy High angular resolution ISM molecules Approximate Riemann solver High Performance Computing Instrumentation Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics Turbulence Unite and Conquer Complex and heterogeneous dynamic system Bagging AMITEXFFTP FFT Epidemic Hydrodynamics Accretion Dask Conservation laws Interferometers-planets and satellites Gravitational effects Methods numerical GPU computing Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies Adaptive optics-instrumentation Asynchronous communication Exascale HII regions Water Supernovae general Planets and satellites atmospheres Infrared planetary systems ISM kinematics and dynamics Planets and satellites gaseous planets Aerodynamics Efficiency Boosting MPI Shallow water equations Insider threat Data parallelism Level-Set Laser Stars massive 65Y05 Linear algebra Well-balanced property Convection Plasma physics Large time steps Unite and conquer Radiative transfer Planets and satellites composition Solvation CUDA Iterative methods OpenMP Planets and satellites formation Hyperbolic systems Methods data analysis Techniques spectroscopic Sparse matrix ISM clouds Electron Ensemble learning Parallel computing Big data analysis Compressible flows ISM structure Gas dynamics Detection-techniques